Tuesday 21 November 2023

Exciting news from Hobbiton

 I'm back for a third visit to Hobbiton. Each time I enjoy it - entering that part of the imagination that is the Shire, Middle Earth (New Zealand). This year I was guiding a French national around the country and he loves anything Middle-Earth. Well, so do I and I knew big things were 'a-foot' in Hobbiton.

The ultimate experience of a hobbit hole begins 01 December this year (2023). Sssshhhttt! they are building hobbit holes of which you can tour the insides. Yes, folks, the Shire can now present a hobbit bedroom, kitchen, bathroom, pantry etc. You can be sure it will look like the films because the original illustrators and concept designers of Lord of the Rings and the Hobbit movies - John Howe and Alan Lee have designed it all. Utterly Cool!! If, like me, you have already visisted Hobbiton, you will just have to save up and go again because being inside a hole on Bagshot Row is a must-do.

While we were there we could see the construction teams hard at work trying to meet the opening deadline. Many members of these teams had worked on the constuction of Hobbiton in the past, especially when the set was made permanent for the Hobbit movies. From what I could see, the new furnished holes run right through this hill from front to back meaning there shoud be plenty of light inside. They are also building a working chimney. The hill being used is beside the Party Field.

Future tours will last two and a half hours in duration, allowing plenty of time to explore the intricate and detailed interiors of a Hobbit Hole, wander the gardens and fields and some extra time to relax at The Green Dragon Inn where you can choose from a number of free beverages. I usually choose Cider but have never succeeded in finishing one because the tour guide always whips us away before I can finish my drink. The site brews its own ales, cider and ginger beer.

In the future I will be able to drink any cider I like in my own time, as the kind marketing people gave us all our very own Prancing Pony mug as a thanks for coming over during construction.

I must confess I came away with a very small scale hobbit hole statue from the shop.  Who knows when I will ever get back but now there's a reason to come back for a fourth visit. And my international visitor loved his experience here.

No doubt Bilbo is taking a break while the noise of construction is going on. Bag End still looks good from the outside but the pipe is a recent addition. it is nice to see an enterprise actually improving the experience for its customers instead of resting on their laurels.

Here are artists's impressions of what the extended hobbit holes should look like completed.

For official news on this go to















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