Sunday 25 April 2010

An unexpected meeting

Something is moving in the Universe.

I had expected to take my cold and sore throat into the sunshine and spend the day gardening, tidying things for when I take my trip. At 9am that was definitely the case. By 9.30am all had changed. Arrangements were made to collect an old friend I had not seen for close to 19 years, from Auckland, and bring her back to my place. Thanks to her enterprising daughter and Facebook my day turned into reflection of past, present and future with the only friend I have who has known me from 1970.
Lorraine and I attended Papanui High School in Christchurch together, she a year ahead of me. We both played the violin in the school orchestra. We both learned french though she was always more competent than me and when she left a year ahead of me it was such a shame.

We've had rare connections over the decades. Our lives have gone in very different directions, but as I watched her chatting away to me at my very own dining table I couldn't help but appreciate that it was HER, her mannerisms, her smile, her chatterbox style and self-deprecation. A gentle and humble person who hasn't changed a bit inside. Not an iota. How magical how the years in between don't matter at such moments.

I don't have anything in Auckland to connect me to that old life I had back in the '70s, in Christchurch but suddenly here was an unexpected connection. Someone who knew that ME. I think it's really important, so valuable, that as we go through our lives with all its fast-paced changes and reinventions of ourselves we have an opportunity to rediscover a part of ourselves, to go back and look at the past through the eyes of the present.

It was fabulous to have her in my home and so easy for us to share and talk and I thought "No wonder I always loved her as a friend then because I can still see why now". You had to be there. Then and today. A friend with shared experiences and sometimes a better memory for the things I've forgotten. Those funny little details of everyday life.

A friend who totally understands that I really need France and hope France needs me some day. A friend who is genuine and honest is not easy to find.

As I watched her about to enter the terminal at the airport tonight I saw her turn and look around for me in my car, another chance for us to wave to each other and I thought WOW. And the price of a beautiful and unexpected day is I miss her more than I did yesterday. I hope she'll keep in better touch. I hope there will be more todays in our tomorrows.

Friday 23 April 2010

Small beginnings

I've asked myself recently if anyone else would be interested in my adventures as I pursue my dream. I don't know yet but you can help me find out.

What is my dream?
To live and work in France (and maybe find love along the way).

Why does this dream matter to me?
For some reason I have spent much of my life feeling pulled towards this country. Maybe it's my french ancestry, my DNA? Maybe it's because I'm fascinated by the culture, the history, the language. Whatever it is, it's in my heart and soul and certainly daily in my mind.

Time, opportunity and money always seemed to get in the way of me achieving my dream. Last year I had a trip booked but it all fell through due to a dishonest and cowardly french lover- yes there's a story there but not today. Now I'm a little over 2 weeks from catching my flight from the ends of the earth (New Zealand) to Paris. Wow. It's been an excruciating process but deep inside i'm hoping there's something magical ahead on my travels. What will happen? Come along for the ride and discover with me...