Thursday 1 August 2019

Smart toilet - for your important little places

My bum has modest requirements for toileting, but that's not the case for everyone. You'll need a comfortably full wallet to purchase one of those new-fangled Smart Toilets but when your wallet is cleaned out you can comfort yourself with the knowledge that those difficult to reach places will be cleaned out too.

Arriving at JC's house in France he explained he had installed one. He'd always preferred a bidet for those number 2 moments but Smart Toilets have a raft of features to tempt even the timid. They are designed to be touch-free which means no need, usually, to touch the flush button or the pan. Hygiene is the key thing with these products.


 Here are some of the more interesting features:
  • It knows when you sit down on it and gets ready for action so don't worry about the machinery noises as you put your weight on the seat.
  • It flushes automatically for urination but you really need to use the full flush for anything else so you have manual operation in addition to the automatic
  • Men and women can SIT to do their business so no nasty splashing up the back of the toilet
  • A jet for cleaning your back passage, which you can regulate for strength of jet
  • A jet for cleaning vaginas - which can be regulated too
  • Temperature of the water jet is adjustable
  • Heated seat
  • Auto deodoriser - not that effective
  • Dual flush
  • Soft close lid but you can just leave it up
  • Air drying of damp bottoms is adjustable but I found toilet paper was more effective
  • A night light in the bowl to help light your way back to bed is activated as soon as you lift your bum off the seat
  • Water-efficient so long as you don't double flush too often

I've tried out most of the features but found the only one really useful was the back passage jet. It makes sense. The other features seemed a bit over-kill to me.

Voila! there you have a review on auto-cleaning your most intimate places. Please note Smart Toilets are for pissing and pooing, not rinsing your teeth while brushing, and not for doing hand washing or laundry.


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